PinnedThe Ultimate Revenge on Your Abuser: Love YourselfTop 10 Ways to Love YOU so you can LEAVE them.Aug 12, 20225Aug 12, 20225
I whole-heartedly agree!I love that you drew the parallel to your family's dynamic and how they've created an enigma of your Grandpa Jean-Amougou. It all boils…Mar 5Mar 5
Great article!However, this is a very tall order for humanity as people can't help but believe they are morally superior to those they don't understand…Feb 18Feb 18
I whole-heartedly agree that if someone is abusing you, step away.However, especially now, we need to be very careful about not being exactly who we are condemning. We criticize conservatives for being…Dec 18, 20241Dec 18, 20241
Thank you for directing me to this article!The way in which I saw the word vilified by conservative whites amplified the racist attitudes that Trump's comments and behavior have…Dec 5, 2024Dec 5, 2024
Thank you for this perspective, Tara.a polarizing fear that has rendered so many in capable of putting themselves in another's shoes.Sep 1, 20241Sep 1, 20241
The social psychology of propaganda is always fascinating to me.Because the long term effect of what's happening now could be good, as we as a species learn once and for all how lies disintegrate society…Aug 28, 2024Aug 28, 2024
This is precisely why I advise anyone looking for a therapist who's in or was in an abusive…That is so awesome for you that you can see "baloney" and have "zero-tolerance" for it, but how in the hell is that supposed to be…Aug 26, 20243Aug 26, 20243
Published inThe ViragoThe Rise of Women in a Fading PatriarchyHow empathy and strength are redefining power dynamicsAug 24, 202413Aug 24, 202413